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Ferro Boron

Ferroboron (FeB) is a ferroalloy consisting of iron and boron.

FeB is a magnetic binary iron alloy with typically 17.5-20% boron content used as an alloying agent in steels to improve hot workability, hardenability, creep resistance, and neutron absorption.

It comes in several grades, although predominantly it is produced in two grades, these being 10% Boron and 17% Boron. It will typically be added to steel to form a very strong, highly durable and specialist steel for use across a variety of applications. It as an additive to the production process of amorphous metals that imparts several desirable properties to the new alloy.

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Ferro boron is fused in to steel to make it stronger and durable, thereby some of the appliactions of ferro boron are in making wire rods, automotive sheet, steel.


Steel Sheet


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