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Nickel Magnesium

Nickel Magnesium (NiMg) Alloys are master alloys of Magnesium and Nickel.

They facilitate small additions of Magnesium to Iron, which transforms graphite flakes to spheroids. This group of alloys was the first to be used for S.G. Iron production. NiMg series master alloys find its main application as a high quality nodulariser in the manufacturing of SG irons or nodular irons, predominantly in those containing nickel. Ce(MM) is an optional addition.

The presence of rare earth metals such as cerium negates the detrimental effect caused by the presence of adverse impurities, including Ti, Bi, Sb, and Pb. Moreover, the presence of Ce(MM) improves the nodularising effect of magnesium and inhibits the fading effect.

On a smaller scale, the master alloy is also utilized for deoxidation and desulfurization of cast iron, special steels and super alloys. The addition of NiMg master alloy more efficiently transfers magnesium into the liquid cast iron than pure magnesium metal thanks to the much higher density of the master alloy. The improved treatment results in more efficient magnesium recovery and minimizes MgO fume emission.

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Some of Nickel Magnesium’s applications are found in production of super alloy production, special steel, cast iron roduction

Special Steel

Cast Iron

Super Alloy

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